The Civic Matters Hub is here to support you along your civic journey. We are a resource for creating stronger communities, advocating for change, and most importantly, helping you make your voice heard through voting, community organizing, volunteering, rallying, and more.
It’s not news to anyone that New Yorkers have multiple crises on their hands: fossil fueled extreme weather and pollution, unaffordable and substandard housing, an endangered democracy, and income inequality higher than any other state. Can you join us in Albany January 22nd for a statewide Fund Climate mobilization and lobby day, to demand action on the interconnected climate, affordability, and housing crises? NY Renews’ Fund Climate Campaign is about facing the crises of our time head on, putting money behind community-led climate justice solutions, increasing energy affordability, and repairing dangerous housing conditions. By creating a Community Directed Grant program, our investment plan would create opportunities for local organizations, unions, and municipal governments to develop clean energy projects and initiatives for their communities. Our Fund Climate Spending Plan also includes a flagship, statewide program that directly addresses dangerous substandard housing conditions that cause health and safety issues, such as indoor air pollution, and exposure to toxic materials. By repairing the physical condition of homes and small businesses, we can improve living conditions and prepare buildings for climate critical energy efficiency and building electrification improvements. Join us January 22nd and stand united with hundreds of New Yorkers for climate justice. Transportation will be provided from New York City. This event is sponsored by NY Renews and the Long Island Progressive Coalition. Please click here for more information and to RSVP.
Scheduled to take place during Human Trafficking Awareness Month, this webinar will highlight the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child’s Optional Protocol on the Sale and Sexual Exploitation of Children (which the US has ratified), the most recent US Government’s Report to the UN Committee, and PACT’s NGO response to the US Report. Our audience will learn about existing initiatives by the US government to prevent child trafficking, hear NGO partners’ recommendations, and Civil Society’s contributions monitoring States’ obligations to implement measures that prevent children from being trafficked. The webinar starts at 1pm (ET) and will end at 2.30pm (ET).Click here to RSVP and for more information.
Who should come? Anyone who is interested in learning more or who has ideas about phone-banking, door-knocking, deep canvassing, hosting house parties, or doing Jewish institutional outreach to bring our issues to the forefront of the conversation, and elect progressives across NYC.What to expect? Part orientation, part training on these different skills!Register for the hybrid event at this link. The in-person location will be provided by JFREJ to registered attendees.
Spread Love NYC is a nine-month long campaign, by NYC Service, to connect New Yorkers with opportunities to make a difference in their communities through short and long-term service projects with local nonprofits.