When Women Take Action, NYC

a collage of an african american woman smiling and holding a clip board, an asian American woman speaking on a microphone, and a NYC brick building with fire escapes a collage of a multi-racial women chanting through a megaphone, an older woman gardening in a community garden, a young Hispanic woman speaking, and an asian woman voting over an abstract design

Make a Difference through Civic Engagement

The Civic Matters Hub is here to support you along your civic journey. We are a resource for creating stronger communities, advocating for change, and most importantly, helping you make your voice heard through voting, community organizing, volunteering, rallying, and more.

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Start Here and Learn Your Civic Personality Type!

Find a Civic Learning Guide for Every Experience Level

Attend an Upcoming Event

February 16, 2025
Partner Events
Celebrate Black History Month with NYC Parks! Explore the connection between the natural world and science fiction with this storytelling hike and fire-side chat. Listen to the works of Octavia Butler while walking the trails at dusk. Afterwards, cozy up to the fire and share your thoughts! Located in Van Cortlandt Park, in the Bronx.
February 23, 2025
Partner Events
Celebrate Black History Month with the Urban Park Rangers. Join us on the Audre Lorde Walk at Silver Lake Park as we honor the famous poet and draw inspiration from our surroundings as we practice creating our own poetry. Located in Silver Lake Park, Staten Island. Click here for more information. 
February 26, 2025
Partner Events
We’ve never backed down from a fight, and we won’t start now. You marched, you voted – and now we must ensure we’re ready for what is next. New York MUST take action to make reproductive health access a reality for us all.Join Planned Parenthood and hundreds of advocates from across New York on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 for the Day of Action! This is our opportunity to roll up our sleeves, meet directly with lawmakers, and demand accountability and action to support reproductive health and freedom.The truth is, there is significant work to be done and a major need for resources to help our communities access critical health care, including abortion, contraception, and more. We know our human rights and freedoms are under attack, and the time to invest is NOW.Show your power and make an impact by joining us in Albany for this important event. The day includes direct meetings with legislative offices, boxed lunch, transportation* (*depending on location for availability) and training in advance for advocates to prepare for their day.Register to attend this event here. 
Beyond the Hub

Browse our list of outside resources and organizations to help you action beyond the Hub.

The Citywide Directory

Discover low- or no-cost social services, programs, and resources in all five boroughs of New York City.

Voting was important to me as the next step in my civic journey. At last, my voice was being heard. I feel like I am paving the way for my fellow immigrants.
Lydia Darly
Brooklyn Activist
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Take Action!

Volunteer to Protect the Vote!

Join the Election Protection program to make sure that eligible voters know how to cast their ballots and help make sure they are counted.

Volunteer and Spread Love NYC

Spread Love NYC is a nine-month long campaign, by NYC Service, to connect New Yorkers with opportunities to make a difference in their communities through short and long-term service projects with local nonprofits.

Be part of the Civic Matters Community!
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