Get Started

You’re a Guardian/Nurturer

You care about making sure people’s immediate needs are met.

Photo of woman volunteering in her neighborhood.

Superpowers: Building Relationships, Listening to Others, Locating and Distributing Resources

The Civic Guardian/Nurturer is someone who acts as the support system for their community and individuals who may be struggling. They are usually introspective, thoughtful, and often come up with ways to promote community well-being.

Guardian/Nurturer, Get Started Here:

Direct Services Near You

Check out the Citywide Directory to find direct services and free resources available in your neighborhood!

Community Care Guides

These guides explore topics and strategies for taking care of yourself and your community.

Civic Actions for Guardians/Nurturers

Strengthen Your Guardian/Nurturer Skills

Find Your Community Board and Attend a Meeting

Your local board is a great place to meet neighbors and collectively organize to make change in your community. Find your community board and other information about the districts you live in through the NYC Boundaries Map.

Get Involved with Your Mutual Aid Network

Mutual aid is about neighbors helping neighbors. Groups dedicated to providing aid and resources to community members exist in many NYC neighborhoods. Discover how to join a mutual aid group or set up your own group to build relationships, collaborate with neighbors, and support your community through

Volunteer with New York Cares

New York Cares is the largest volunteer organization in NYC offering hundreds of opportunities to volunteer in all five boroughs from serving meals to teaching children how to play chess.

Curious to learn more?
Check out these resources recommended for your civic personality!

Check Out More Civic Personality Types

Photo of woman at computer doing research.

Investigator / Researcher

A woman and fellow organizers signing petitions

Organizer / Mobilizer

Storyteller / Spokesperson

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Upcoming Events

February 16, 2025
Partner Events
Celebrate Black History Month with NYC Parks! Explore the connection between the natural world and science fiction with this storytelling hike and fire-side chat. Listen to the works of Octavia Butler while walking the trails at dusk. Afterwards, cozy up to the fire and share your thoughts! Located in Van Cortlandt Park, in the Bronx.
February 23, 2025
Partner Events
Celebrate Black History Month with the Urban Park Rangers. Join us on the Audre Lorde Walk at Silver Lake Park as we honor the famous poet and draw inspiration from our surroundings as we practice creating our own poetry. Located in Silver Lake Park, Staten Island. Click here for more information. 
February 26, 2025
Partner Events
We’ve never backed down from a fight, and we won’t start now. You marched, you voted – and now we must ensure we’re ready for what is next. New York MUST take action to make reproductive health access a reality for us all.Join Planned Parenthood and hundreds of advocates from across New York on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 for the Day of Action! This is our opportunity to roll up our sleeves, meet directly with lawmakers, and demand accountability and action to support reproductive health and freedom.The truth is, there is significant work to be done and a major need for resources to help our communities access critical health care, including abortion, contraception, and more. We know our human rights and freedoms are under attack, and the time to invest is NOW.Show your power and make an impact by joining us in Albany for this important event. The day includes direct meetings with legislative offices, boxed lunch, transportation* (*depending on location for availability) and training in advance for advocates to prepare for their day.Register to attend this event here.